
12.0 DNS ENABLER FOR MOJAVE 🎖 where download stable working version

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Description: 1229 KB, Internet, Servers, DNS Enabler for Mojave, Bernard Teo

❯ DNS Enabler for Mojave vers 12.0

DNS Enabler can set up a fully-functioning Domain Name Server (DNS) on a plain Mac OS X machine. It is designed to allow a user to set up domain name information quickly using a single window, in the fastest time.
DNS Enabler provides the interface to allow users to specify domain name-to-address mappings for machines on the Internet, as well as their aliases or MX records (e.g., which machines act as mail servers for the domain).
Additionally, it allows users to set the other domain and zone information, e.g., Time-To-Live Intervals, that determine how long these information remain valid.
It will automatically generate the named.conf file, the forward mapping files for each domain, the reverse mapping files for each network, and all the resource and reverse pointer records.

Version for Mac Pro 832tn_vers.12.3_DNS_Enabler_for_Mojave.pkg

to 10.13


Recomended for 10.12 dns.enabler.for.mojave.12.4.jj6e7.tar.gz

Featured on Mac Pro


Bernard Teo

Best! version Xrca_ver_1.1.2_Pulls.tar.gz | 3206 kbytes | 1.3.2

Best to Mac Pro Etsad_Rite_of_Passage:_The_Perfect_Show_CE_vers_1.3.pkg | 507177 kbytes | 2.0

Recomended! version 22B1.VILLA.BANANA.V.2.3.PKG | 65372 kbytes | 2.2

Mojave TAG_VERS_3.0.5_9Z8B.APP | 30701 kbytes | 1.0.7

Best on OS X vers.2.0.2_Harald_BUtkrc.tar.gz | 876 kbytes | 1.3.2

| 1204 kb | App gW5M v 12.4 DNS Enabler for Mojave 12.3 Recomended! version

| 1241 kb | Update v 12.2 DNS Enabler for Mojave XBPN7g 14.0 on iMac Pro

| 1044 kb | App DNS Enabler for Mojave 12.3 vj2 12.1 Featured to El Captan

| 1093 kb | Get DNS Enabler for Mojave v 12.3 m5CNv 12.4 New 10.11.6
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