
to 10.13.6 how install SCOtutor_for_iPad_vers._1.2.pkg

0 appréciations

SCOtutor for iPad / Education / Teaching Tools / 607232 KB / DMC MEDIA PRODUCTIONS LTD

1.2 scotutor for ipad

SCOtutor for iPad is a comprehensive video guide to using the iPad.
Starting from first principles, this video tutorial leads you through all aspects of using an iPad in simple steps. Covering all the new features of iOS5 and iCloud, as well as how to use all the standard iPad applications, SCOtutor for iPad is an indispensable guide for all iPad users.
View the tutorial using the specially designed video player, allowing you to control and navigate the tutorial easily, via the keyboard or via the on-screen controls, all at your own pace.
Keep it on your Desktop or in your Dock as a quick reference guide and when you close the tutorial, it remembers your position and restarts just where you left it!
*NEW* There's now a native iPad version of this App so you can view the tutorial directly on your iPad. Just search the iTunes App Store for ScreenCastsOnline or SCOtutor.
Comprehensive iPad Tutorial
The HD video tutorial runs for 130 minutes and covers 20 major subjects organized into over 70 topics.
- The iPad Controls
- Managing The Home Screen
- Personalizing Your iPad
- Home Button & Gestures
- Installing Applications on Your iPad
- Searching on your iPad
- Notifications on your iPad
- Using Text and the Keyboard
- iCloud and the iPad
- Syncing with iTunes
- Airplay and Mirroring
- Safari Web Browser
- Contacts
- Mail
- Calendar
- Camera and Photos
- Messages
- Music, Video & iTunes Store
- Reminders
- Newsstand
- Maps
- PhotoBooth, Facetime and YouTube
Optimized Video Player
Designed specifically to optimize the viewing experience, SCOtutor for Lion includes a dedicated video player
- Auto hiding onscreen playback control panel
- Advanced playback controls
- Jump backward or forward in 30 second increments
- MultiSpeed playback - slow or fast speeds - (.5x, .75x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x)
- Easy navigation via chapter popup menu
- Jump from chapter to chapter
- Fully resizable window

- Full screen Mode
- Easy resume mode - Carry on from where you left off
- Full keyboard shortcut support

to 10.11 rzY_version_2.2_SCOtutor_for_iPad.dmg {686172 KB}

Featured for 10.12.4 tXALR_v.1.3_SCOtutor_for_iPad.pkg {698316 KB}

iMac trfdq_version_3.2_scotutor_for_ipad.dmg {698316 KB}

Updated version {570798 KB}

on Sierra l2f615-scotutor-for-ipad-v.1.4.dmg {552581 KB}

Recomended High Sierra {686172 KB}


Featured for MacOS ISPT.VER..1.2.SUMMER.RESORT.MOGUL.DMG | 28168 kb | 1.4

iMac Pro 3.1.0.Fireplace.3D.Lite.jojq6.pkg | 13722 kb | 1.1.1

Best El Captan QYG6EE_MASTER_GIT_2.0.DMG | 1784047 kb | 1.1

10.14.2 97ZQ-AUTOMOUNTMAKER-VER-3.4.3.APP | 5744 kb | 1.4.2

MacBook Air 66WQ-VERSION-1.5.2-SIMBOOSTER-PRO.ZIP | 17999 kb | 1.5.4

[674027 kbytes] RydV v 1.3 SCOtutor for iPad 1.5 Featured! version

[576870 kbytes] Free vers.3.2 SCOtutor for iPad AH7O 1.4 OS X

[601159 kbytes] Get SUrY SCOtutor for iPad ver. 1.4 3.2 Version 10.12

[504002 kbytes] Update SCOtutor for iPad 2.2 VjMJ6f 1.3 Recomended to Mac mini
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