
to MacBook how install vers 2.8.1 EDL-X

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Rainer Standke - EDL-X - Video - Multimedia Design - 7680 KB

▹ v.2.8.1 EDL-X

EDL-X allows you to create Edit Decision Lists - EDLs - from Final Cut Pro X XML files. The EDLs conform to the CMX 3600 standard and can be used to bring your cut into post production systems like DaVinci, Smoke, etc. It features flexible source reel-name handling:

- EDL X features flexible Source Reel Name handling:
- Source names can be read from XML files, or directly from the QuickTime files used in the project.
- Alternatively, media file names, or full file paths can be used.
- Source names can be made to conform to strict CMX standards (three numbers), or 8, 16, 32 or unlimited alpha-numerical characters.
- All source names are user-editable, on a per-source basis.
- Roles can be used to filter the clips reflected in the EDL.
- Metadata associated with the footage - or added in FCP X - can be shown in the EDL as comments. This is provides a way to pass ASC CDL values on to color grading.
- EDL-X can be set up so that EDLs can be made directly from Final Cut Pro's Share menu.
- The app can list effects including some parameters and keyframes.
- EDL-X groups all video and audio clips into as few tracks as possible. Each video track gets its own EDL, with synch audio in the same EDL.
- Drag and drop XML files to create EDLs, or drag projects directly out of FCP 10.3.

Updated MacBook Air {6528 kbytes}

Version to MacOS {7372 kbytes}

Featured 10.14.3 31YY_VER_2.5.4_EDL-X.APP {8985 kbytes}

Mojave EDL-X.2.9.1.XFTXU.APP {8371 kbytes}

New Sierra {8601 kbytes}

MacOS 2GJ.EDL-X.VERS.2.5.6.DMG {8064 kbytes}

Rainer Standke
Official site:

Recomended! version [15841 kbytes] 2.3

Featured iMac BWF6VT_VERS_4.1.1_NOVABENCH.TAR.GZ [130136 kbytes] 4.0

iMac Pro Stars.7.1.2.CBZEmd.tar.gz [2193 kbytes] 5.1.3

Best! version SLICE-IT!-2.0.1-XPRH.ZIP [193740 kbytes] 1.0.4

Updated version IWAVdu_Awakening:_Moonfell_Wood_4.0.tar.gz [308838 kbytes] 3.0

Get EDL-X vers.2.8.2 oJpp 2.10.1 for OS X

App ver 2.7 EDL-X Dwma 2.8.3 Updated MacBook Air

Update CRN2KL EDL-X VER 2.8.3 3.8.1 Best on iMac

Download EDL-X vers.2.10.1 cKIucS 2.6.1 to MacBook Pro
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