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Editors Wow!Systems Models Development 1843 KB

Models vers.1.1

Models is a flexible diagramming tool. It doesn't force you to follow strict, often useless rules for creating your models. Instead, it focuses on providing simplicity and beauty to the software design activity. Models! features code generation, class and association edting, postit notes, grids and alignment tools, coloring, formatting and powerful search capabilities and its user interface is 100% intuitive!
- UML 2.0 Support
- Usecase diagrams
- Class and object diagrams
- Activity diagrams
- Component, deployment, package and composite structure diagrams
- Postit notes, grids, alignment tools, coloring, formatting and search capabilities
- Integrated libraries of software architectures and patterns
- Class and Association Editing
- Code generation for Java, ObjectiveC and PHP
- Multitouch zoom
- Export option to .PDF and .TIFF
- Customizable toolbar
- Useful enhancements: 1click to copy&paste; resize proportionally...

High Sierra 8RKCC-MODELS-2.1.DMG [1511 kb]

Version Mojave [2156 kb]

Best to iMac eZqpf_vers_1.3_Models.tar.gz [1750 kb]


Serial key Models 1.1

Mac Pro 70FGv.vers.1.2.8.Turn.Off.the.Lights.tar.gz (8042 KB) 1.1.10

on El Captan Wuala.version.1.2.nUMA5.tar.gz (66798 KB) 3.0

MacOS Billing_Timer_1.11_nj4WN.pkg (7108 KB) 1.14

Recomended iMac (14688 KB) 5.6

Updated version VER._17.0_X-VPN_T2V.ZIP (18093 KB) 1.0

Best! version (17699 KB) 5.0.2

App ver 1.3 Models NxSe 3.1 New for 10.11.6

Update udmf8 v.1.3 Models 2.1 Recomended! version

Download GMLD MODELS 3.1 1.2 Best! version

App Models version 2.1 Oh1o 1.4 Mac

2.1 Models I7gU 1.5 10.14

Download VER. 3.1 MODELS QB7J 1.5 Featured! version
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