
OS X proNotes_vers_2.0.dmg how install

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Business - - Personal Info Managers - proNotes - 3891 KB


proNotes has a whole host of features to keep you organized and help you find your information quickly. The whole philosophy behind proNotes is to give you powerful features that keep you productive without getting in your way.
Notes The basic component of proNotes is a note. A note has a category, title, status, note text, attachments and to-dos. What's cool about proNotes is as soon as you save a new note, it's organized for you in the Main Window and it's text is searchable. It does all this on the fly. You don't have to create an organizational scheme or a directory structure in advance.
Fast Searching There are two ways of searching proNotes: clicking & typing.
- Clicking on a category finds all the titles with that category. Clicking on a title finds just the notes with that title. One last click in the details table shows you the note.
- Typing in the search field narrows things down just like clicking. proNotes will quickly show you all the notes, for all the statuses, that have the search text in the category, title, note, attachment name, to-do item or keyword. You can search all the elements or just one (by clicking on the magnifying glass in the search field). You can search for words or a phrase (by surrounding your search in double-quotes).

To-Dos Like You've Never Used Them Before Many programs have to-do lists but proNotes handles to-do lists in a unique and powerful way. Just like with notes, proNotes lets you click and search your to-do's. That means in just a few clicks you can:
- See all your to-dos for all your notes.
- See just the to-dos for a particular title (i.e. all the to-dos for the Acme account)
- See just the to-dos for a particular note (i.e. all the to-dos from the conference call you had with Jack Strong on 12/26/2008.)
Pretty cool huh? Not many programs can do that so well and as fast as proNotes! Check out the screen shots here

Version OS X | 3501 kb |

Recomended Mojave PRONOTES-V-4.0-FHFYV.TAR.GZ | 3968 kb |

Featured Mac Pro | 3346 kb |

Featured on 10.11.5 | 3735 kb |

Recomended on 10.14.3 v.2.5-MouseZoom-X-RUTUK.pkg {285 kb} 3.4

Updated to OS X 0YZMB-LET-SLEEP-1.8.0.DMG {2697 kb} 1.5.1

Best for iMac Pro LightScribe_Host_Software_ver._3.8.23.1_syc.dmg {1663 kb}

Updated for Mojave (3229 kb) 2.2
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