
to 10.12.4 J3DXA-TIME-TRACKER-FOR-JIRA-V-1.3.0.DMG where download

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Description: Developer Tools; ; 3174 KB; Time Tracker For JIRA; blackmirror media ltd.

vers 1.3.0 Time Tracker For JIRA

Time Tracker for JIRA is a macOS status bar app to track and log the time spent on JIRA issues. Time tracking is made easy with this super-simple time counter on your status bar. Customers from all over the world record time and improve productivity with Time Tracker for JIRA.

- Track time seamlessly with the app built in the status bar.
- Start, pause, reset and submit time with just one click.
- Save time on submitting work log with search and filter options.

Key Features:
- Edit time before submission
- Synchronize Issues
- Easy Tracking
- Issue Search
- Filters
- Comments
- Awesome blur background

Best 10.11.4 time.tracker.for.jira.v. (2729 kb)

Version 10.14.3 vers.1.5.0.Time.Tracker.For.JIRA.tbT6z.tar.gz (2602 kb)

Updated version (2888 kb)

blackmirror media ltd.

Version to 10.11.5 1.3.0

Recomended on 10.12.4 STORYBOARD.QUICK.8.0.4.CW06.APP 6.2.4

(2539 kb) Update HJAq v.1.3.2 Time Tracker For JIRA 1.5.0 New! version

(3332 kb) TQIR1 TIME TRACKER FOR JIRA 1.3.4 1.6.0 Recomended! version

(3427 kb) Time Tracker For JIRA 1.2.2 F9nS1t 2.3.0 Version on Mojave

(3745 kb) Get VERSION 3.3.0 TIME TRACKER FOR JIRA D6C 1.3.4 Recomended 10.12.4
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