
Mojave how download Play nice or mean in this match 3 game.

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Mean Girls 69632 KB Puzzle Games Big Fish Games Mean Girls

Mean Girls...Battle your way through high school in this unique Match 3 game, based on the feature film, Mean Girls! Charm your enemies over to your side, or utterly humiliate them using your own popularity and skill. Mean Girls: High School Showdown even allows you to personalize your character`s traits and special skills, making each showdown unique. Bring peace to the hallways by creating a high school utopia, or use your power to put you and your friends at the best table in the cafeteria!
- Unique Match 3 gameplay
- Play nice or mean
- Unlock new skills

Updated for 10.12.4 MEAN_GIRLS_VER._9.2.45.0_HOYSGY.PKG {79380 kb}

Best! version {65454 kb}

New 10.14.1 Mean-Girls-ver- {65454 kb}

New! version MEAN.GIRLS.V. {59187 kb}

Recomended to El Captan AYJ.MEAN.GIRLS.VERS. {61276 kb}

Big Fish Games

for iMac [69171 kbytes] 9.3.4

Updated Sierra UADD_V_6.3.2_CLONE_X.ZIP [2949 kbytes] 4.3.3

10.14.1 Xsh.vers.1.10.Stamps.tar.gz [8372 kbytes] 2.15

Recomended on iMac Pro [933 kbytes] 1.2.1
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