
on 4.1.1_LightZone.dmg how install

0 appréciations

LightZone, 16486 KB, LightZone Project, Image Editing, Multimedia Design

★ vers.4.1.1 LightZone

LightZone, once discontinued, has been restored to life as an Open-Source project. It is still being developed and improved, but downloading the application requires creation of an account and logging-in to access the download.
You can read the project's rationale behind the download requirements, and can create an account--or log-in to your account--from the right side of the project's home page. When first creating an account, you'll have to open the e-mail sent from the project and click on the link to confirm your request. Once you're logged-in, you'll find the download link on the left side of the page: "Click Here for Links for Downloading and Updating (Wintel, Mac)".

Best MacOS LightZone_ver._4.3.1_uUe.dmg

Version 10.12.4 4.1.5_LIGHTZONE_NAANM.ZIP

Version on Mac

Featured for OS X

Updated version LightZone.4.1.2.DoJwA0.pkg

Best! version

LightZone Project

Mojave jBLNX_Thomas_&_Friends_Misty_Island_Rescue_ver_1.1.6.tar.gz {299110 kbytes} 1.3.5

Recomended 10.14.3 {3539 kbytes} 1.0.2

on OS X UVXPH-Website-Watchman-v.2.4.1.pkg {11640 kbytes} 2.3.1

{17475 KB} Free KYpof v 4.1.5 LightZone 6.1.1 New! version

{18134 KB} LIGHTZONE VER. 4.4.1 IWZ 6.1.1 New 10.14.1

{15496 KB} Get 4.1.4 LIGHTZONE RLYS 4.3.1 Recomended! version

{16156 KB} Software XZD ver. 4.1.4 LightZone 6.1.1 Best on 10.13.6

{13518 KB} Free ver. 4.4.1 LightZone T0xLz 6.1.1 for MacBook Air
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