
2.813 BetterTouchTool install to High Sierra

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Main category: Utilities
Sub category: System
Developer: Andreas Hegenberg
Filesize: 21299
Title: BetterTouchTool

Copied - A full featured clipboard manager Once BetterTouchTool is installed and launched, you'll see its icon in your menu bar. Click that and select Preferences to open up the main window. "Must have for people switching from Windows!"Recommended by Sachin Ganesh Various other improvements. Get at your favourite apps, documents and folders without your fingers leaving the keyboard, with BetterTouchTool for the Mac and its wide range of custom shortcuts and gestures Added predefined action "Add New Space To Mission Control"

Official site:

Recomended 10.12.6

Recomended! version

Key list BetterTouchTool

You can now have multiple presets enabled at the same time, one of them has to be selected as master preset. The BetterTouchTool main window. Explore more about: Gesture Control, Keyboard Shortcuts, Mac Tips, Mac Tricks, Mouse Gesture. "Simple and good for the eyes. Set it up and forget"Recommended by Brennon Denny Fixed issues with the custom four finger tap sequences You can now choose whether a normal mouse button should trigger on mouse-down or on mouse-up (click the little gear icon left to the mouse button selection) Magic Mouse This should fix most small bugs that have been reported since the 2.10 release. Thank you for installing all the updates! While there was a long beta phase - the 2.10 release was very big and some edge cases always only appear in real-world testing.

(23215 KB) Software BetterTouchTool ver 2.425 VcLdS 2.292 Version 10.14.3

(21086 KB) Keygen jPg vers.2.620 BetterTouchTool 2.281 French version

(17252 KB) Torrent fTuAC 2.417 BetterTouchTool 2.754 Updated 10.11

(23641 KB) Download 2.294 BetterTouchTool XN5N 2.762 Hindi version

(19808 KB) Keygen ver 2.685 BetterTouchTool YUG 2.302 iMac

(17678 KB) Full 2.600 BETTERTOUCHTOOL GXFJC 2.800 10.11

(17039 KB) Latest BetterTouchTool ver 2.693 TWUlH 2.646 English version

Languages Chinese English 1.10.0

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Best Mojave 3.6.1
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