
final working version Find, view, organize all your photo, image, video, sound files. 🥇 how install

0 appréciations

AntZero, Author Tools, 52838 KB, AtomicView, Multimedia Design

AtomicView v.1.5.2

AtomicView is a digital asset manager (DAM) software program that allows users to organize, browse, and output images, videos, and sounds.
The application fully supports all major media formats. AtomicView makes active use of a Mac's GPU, providing quick scrolling features, as well as multi-threaded tasks that take advantage of multi-processor and multi-core systems.
Its elegant user interface allows the user to quickly modulate and rationalize the workspaces.
AtomicView has the ability to play up to four movies simultaneoulsy, and can display media with fly-over navigation, virtual light table, fullscreen mode, slideshow. It supports EXIF, IPTC & XMP metadata and allows the user to custom metadata fields. It offers hierarchical grouping, keyword indexation, smart group, xml import/export of the database, search system with boolean function, batch rename, batch edit of IPTC & XMP fields, among many other features.
AtomicView fits perfectly into your workflow and becomes the ideal control and organisational interface upstream from all your multimedia projects.

New 10.13

to OS X y4dm_v.1.5.5_AtomicView.dmg


Recomended 10.11.5 [16938 KB]


Best on OS X KvpTA.Waterfall.1.2.3.tar.gz [348 KB] 3.2.0

[62348 kb] Software AtomicView 1.6.2 wsFrB 1.5.4 10.14

[43327 kb] Download P5IOEH ATOMICVIEW VER. 1.5.5 1.6.2 Recomended to OS X

[56008 kb] Software 1.5.5 AtomicView uMZkE 1.5.3 on Sierra
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